Crisis counselling
Both clergy and lay pastoral carers are often the first recourse for people in crisis. Whatever the underlying cause of the crisis in question, carers need to know how to respond, sensitively and effectively, during those first vital hours and days when people are at their most vulnerable, when many are so overwhelmed by the…
Read MoreCounseling survivors of traumatic events
This book addresses the aftermath of a wide array of traumatic events (such as natural disasters, criminal violence, catastrophic accidents, life-threatening illnesses) and the mental health difficulties, especially post-traumatic stress disorder, that may be experienced as a result. It is important that those in ministry understand how to help guide people through very difficult places.…
Read MoreBuildings: Information on the history and structure of many Presbyterian church buildings
This information can be useful when church buildings are being renovated, extended, sold or demolished. As well as a number of original plans, the Archives has building reports, information on building materials, renovation details and more. Contact the Presbyterian Research Centre Archives (pcanzarchives@prcknox.org.nz) for more information. Plan of the first St. Andrew’s church, South Invercargill,…
Read MoreImaginative Preaching
Imaginative Preaching: Praying the Scriptures so God Can Speak Through You By Geoff New, this book explores the power of lectio divina and Ignatian Gospel Contemplation for a prayerful approach to preaching scripture. Comes highly recommended by John Goldingay and Walter Brueggamann!
Read MoreCanoeing the Mountains
Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory Tod Balsinger wrote this book and it is proving very popular around the PCANZ. The book offers stories and practical tools for helping leaders chart the challenging territory that is our changing contexts today, aware that what we expect might not be the reality we discover.
Read MoreAgainst the Odds
Written by Kevin Ward, this book traces the story of a church that over forty years, under the leadership of Murray Robertson, grew from around 60 people to the largest church in Aotearoa. It tracks the commitments of the man and his leadership team and the highs and lows of the community, and offers lessons…
Read MoreStructured for Mission
By Alan Roxburgh, this book usefully encourages leaders to look beneath the surface to the core narratives shaping our institutions, and from there into the theological and biblical foundations they rest on in order to facilitate a thorough-going review that can power a new imagination for church going forward.
Read MoreWayfinding Leadership
This excellent book explores the wisdom of Polynesian worldview and navigating for guiding organisations through the complex environments we now find ourselves in. Written by Maori scholar Chellie Spiller, advised by kaumatua, leaders are presented with the notion of sphere intelligence, a wholistic, indigenous perspective that takes many ingredients into account to chart the path…
Read MoreThe Resilience Check-In
The Resilience Check-In is a website of videos and other resources, and coaching, offered by John Fawcett, a NZ forensic social worker experienced in humanitarian work locally and overseas, with especial interest in helping leaders process through trauma. John is a warm Christian leader with perceptive wisdom to offer.
Read MoreThe Global Church Project
This website library of videos and other resources brings wisdom from a huge range of church leaders across the Global Church on a huge range of topics – particularly connecting you into leaders from Asia, Africa, and Latin America – for the purposes of renewed mission and revitalised churches.
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