The plan for this section of the website is for it to house all lessons and materials for the BeWise courses. These will be available from 2019 to those who sign up and receive their password to enter. What you see here for now is simply a one-lesson sample for BeWise:Lead-Worship and an ad for BeWise:Faith.
BeWise Worship Course
Module One
Watch: Worship as conversation ( - 2 mins
Listen: Scripture: John 4:4-26 The Woman at the Well - 3 mins
Engage: Scripture - 8 mins
Here we see the dynamic of conversation. The woman comes at noon, in the heat of the day, in the hope of avoiding others. Yet she encounters Jesus.
What might it mean that Jesus initiates the conversation?
What is the woman bringing to this conversation?
What is Jesus bringing?
What might we learn about worship from the climax of the conversation in verse 26?
Watch: Meet at the Table ( - 6 mins
A video reflection on Jessie Boston’s image ‘The Lord’s Feast’.
Concluding with Margaret Benton’s song, ‘Come to the Table’ (if time). Music provided below.
Reflect: Our own context - 10 mins
How does the idea of worship as conversation match up with our own Sunday services?
How does the conversation start at our worship services?
When do the people speak (or are spoken for, and is there a difference)?
When does God speak?
How could this ‘back and forth’ nature of worship enrich our own services?
Closing Prayer - 1 min